Family Leave Policies
Ethical Standards Commissioner (ESC) Family Leave Policies brings together various policy documents to support employees to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Purpose and scope
The Ethical Standards Commissioner (ESC) is committed to supporting employees to maintain a healthy work / life balance and recognises the many factors involved in balancing work and home life. ESC undertakes to comply with all statutory obligations in this area. In the context of work, there are many ways in which you can be supported in achieving your chosen balance. This policy brings together various policy documents that are designed to assist and support employees as a key part of this commitment.
This policy applies to all employees regardless of working pattern or nature of employment contract. It will not apply to others carrying out work on behalf of ESC (agency staff, contractors etc) who will be governed by the contract under which they have been employed or contracted.
Implementation, monitoring and review of the policy
Overall responsibility for policy implementation, monitoring and review lies with ESC. Everyone covered by the scope of the policy is obliged to adhere to, and facilitate implementation of, the policy. Appropriate action will be taken to inform all new and existing employees and others covered by the scope of the existence of the policy and their role in adhering to it. The policy will be reviewed at such times as legislation or a change to the ESC policy position requires it and at least every four years. The policy will be made available to the general public.
Interaction with other policies
Many of the policies in this document will interact with other policies. In particular:
- The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy will be relevant throughout the policy as pregnancy and maternity are a protected characteristic within equalities legislation.
- The Hours of Work and Annual Leave policy will need to be referred to when working out how annual leave will fit with any type of Family Leave.
- Health, safety and wellbeing will need to be carefully considered for any pregnant employee and the absence policy may also need to be referred to.
- The Leaving policy should be referred to in any request for flexible working which is a request for flexibility in advance of retirement, or where an employee decides not to return to work following any period of Family Leave.
- The Disciplinary policy will be referred to in any cases where it is expected that someone is making a false claim for any of the types of leave referred to in this policy.
- The Special Leave Policy can be in considered in conjunction with Family Leave policies should the circumstances require it.
Please see the Family Leave Policies - Definitions page for a full list of definitions applicable to all included policies.
Policy Framework
Family Leave Policies encompass a wide range of policies. There are certain employee benefits and employer and employee obligations which apply across all Family Leave policies. Please see Family Leave Policies - Benefits and Obligations page for more information.
Summary of policies included
Equality Impact Assessment
Does this policy comply with the general Public Sector Equality Duty (s149 Equality Act 2010)?
This policy applies to all employees, contractors and visitors to ESC premises. Its impact was considered when drafting. We consulted with all employees prior to publication to identify and address any issues.
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Have we considered any effect the policy may have on the collecting, processing and storing of personal data?
The records generated by this policy will contain personal data and may contain sensitive and special category personal data. Suitable retention and destruction policies are in place to manage this material.
Information Security Impact Assessment
Have we considered the impact any policy may have on our cyber-resilience?
This policy should have no impact on our cyber-resilience.
Records Management Impact
Have we considered the impact any policy may have on our ability to manage our records?
This policy should have no impact on our ability to manage our records.
Version Control
Version | Description | Author | Date |
1.0 | Policy Terms First Adopted | Human Resources and Facilities Officer | 21/10/2024 |
Date policy position first adopted: 01/04/2011 and onwards
Review period: Ad hoc when a change to legislation or ESC process requires it and at least every four years
Date of last review: 21/10/2024
Date of next review: 31/10/2028