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In some circumstances, it can currently take up to 4.5 months to conduct an initial assessment for some complaints, particularly if they are complex. We are doing everything we can to reduce this time. You can find average timescales for each stage of complaint handling across all types of complaints here.

How long do we take to investigate complaints?

Once you have submitted a complaint, how long will it take us to complete an investigation? You can find out more information about how long it is currently taking our office to complete each stage of the complaint handling process across all types of complaints below.

You can find out more about the complaint handling process here.

How long does it take to investigate a complaint?

Due to the volume of complaints we receive and a shortage of staff over the last year, we are currently working through a backlog of complaints. 


The Ethical Standards Commissioner’s office is very conscious that an efficient and timely complaint handling process is critical to building trust and confidence in the ethical standards framework. We are therefore doing everything we can to address this backlog. We have completed a thorough workforce planning exercise and recruited and trained additional staff for the investigations team to clear the backlog and ensure that all complaints in future are dealt with as quickly as practicable. 


Select the complaint type below and find out more information about the average time it took to complete each stage of the complaint handling process for this type of complaint over the third quarter of this financial year (October - December 2024).

For complaints completed in Q3 of this financial year, it took us an average of just over four-and-a-half months to complete our Stage 1 assessment or screening process and five-and-a-half months to complete our Stage 2 investigation. 

For complaints completed in Q3 of this financial year, it took us an average of two months to complete our Stage 1 investigation. 


No MSP complaints reached our Stage 2 investigation in Q3 of this financial year. However, for complaints completed in financial year April 2022 – March 2023, it took us an average of six months to complete our Stage 2 investigation. 

Across all complaints, the average timescale for completing Stage 1 was calculated from the date on which a complaint was received to the date on which a decision for Stage 1 was reached. The average timescale for completing Stage 2 was calculated from the date on which Stage 2 started to the date on which a decision for that stage was reached. You can find out more about the different stages of our complaint handling process here


These figures are from Q3 of this financial year (October - December 2024).

How many complaints are in the queue for assessment?

In the table below, you can see how many complaints from the last four months are in a queue for assessment by a member of the investigatory team. As of the end of February 2025, there are 8 new complaints awaiting allocation to the next available team member. 


Number of complaints in the queue







Please note that we triage complaints when they are first submitted to our office. Not all complaints, therefore, are allocated to a member of the investigatory team in the order of when we receive them. You can find out more about our triaging system in our Investigations Manual.





Ready to make a complaint?

You can make your complaint online or in other ways. Follow the link to begin.

Make a complaint