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In some circumstances, it can currently take up to 5 months to conduct an initial assessment for some complaints, particularly if they are complex. We are doing everything we can to reduce this time. You can find average timescales for each stage of complaint handling across all types of complaints here.

Consultation Exercise - Prospective Revisions to the Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to Public Bodies in Scotland

In August 2020, The Commissioner wrote to the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Ministers and all regulated public bodies in Scotland, as well as a wide range of organisations with an interest and/or stake in board governance and diversity, to seek views on prospective changes to the Code of Practice. The Commissioner is very grateful to all of the organisations and individuals that took the time to respond and to provide their views. 

Below are links to all of the consultation responses received from those organisations that were content for their views to be published. 


Accounts Commission for Scotland Response

Changing the Chemistry Response

Colleges Good Governance Steering Group Response

Committee on Standards in Public Life Response

Community Justice Scotland Response

Equality and Human Rights Commission Response

Healthcare Improvement Scotland Response

Inclusion Scotland Response

Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland Response

NatureScot Covering Letter for Response

Nature Scot Response

OCPA Response

OCPANI Response

Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator Response

PATH Scotland Response

Poverty and Inequality Commission Response

Scottish Government covering letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance

Scottish Government Response

Scottish Housing Regulator Response

Scottish Legal Complaints Commission Response

Scottish Social Services Council Response

Scottish Women's Convention Response

SPSO Response

Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Response